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May 20, 2021

Collision vs. Comprehensive Coverage

If you have a vehicle, you’ll likely need to obtain some form of insurance. Whether you need to obtain collision or comprehensive coverage—or both—depends on where you live and whether you own or lease your vehicle.   Collision and comprehensive coverages provide financial safety nets in the event your vehicle is physically damaged and needs to […]
April 22, 2021

Tips About Home Insurance for a Seasonal Home

A seasonal home can serve as a wonderful getaway, but it is also an investment as much as a regular home is. While you may not spend as much time in your seasonal home, it can still face a lot of the same dangers as your full time house and needs home insurance for protection.  […]
March 5, 2021

Motorcycle Insurance

Gain freedom on the road with the right motorcycle coverage. There’s nothing like the freedom you feel when riding but if you’re on the road, you’re at risk. To ensure you’ve got the coverage and financial protection you need, consider the following motorcycle insurance coverage options.     Liability Insurance Coverage  Required by most states, liability insurance […]
February 15, 2021

Insuring Your Teen Driver

If you have a teen driver, there’s probably a million things running through your mind, including the cost of insuring your new driver. Statistically speaking, it’s expensive to add a teenager to your existing policy due to the high rate of crashes and traffic violations. Fortunately, there are some ways that you can keep your […]
January 29, 2021

When Should You Not File a Home Insurance Claim?

Most homeowners try their best to avoid filing a claim, but there are many circumstances where they may not know whether they should. In some cases, you practically have to file a claim in order to make repairs to your home. In other areas, however, you may not have to file a claim.  The Damages […]
December 23, 2020

The Safety Risks of Riding a Motorcycle After Dark

The Safety Risks of Riding a Motorcycle After Dark    During the winter, the days are a lot shorter. What hours of daylight there are usually don’t allow you as much time to travel as you would like. However, there’s no reason that you can’t drive after dark, but you have to realize that safety risks are going to […]
November 28, 2020

The Pros and Cons of Increasing Your Auto Insurance Deductible

If you buy car insurance, then you will likely have to choose a deductible on certain coverage. Deductibles are costs that the policyholder agrees to pay before their insurer pays remaining claim costs.   Though this might seem like an extra cost burden to you, a deductible is actually a flexible perk that you can use […]
September 30, 2020

Should I Increase My Homeowners Insurance Deductibles

Homeowners insurance is a policy that you will likely have to carry over many years, particularly if you have a mortgage on the property. Because of your need for coverage at all times, home insurance will become an essential piece of your household budget. Therefore, you’ll probably want to do all you can to make […]
September 23, 2020

Are Motorcycles a High Theft Risk?

In 2018, there were more than 3,000 motorcycle thefts in Texas, the third highest number of any state. Both Houston and Austin were among the top ten cities for bike theft, too. Unfortunately, the authorities only recovered about 33% of the state’s stolen bikes. A lost or damaged bike can be a very big headache, […]
August 5, 2020

Buying Collision Insurance? Here’s How it Works

Buying Collision Insurance? Here’s How it Works    If you finance your car, then your lender will likely require collision insurance. This is important coverage to have because it insures your car against damage. While in some cases, it is optional protection, it is still important to have. So, regardless of requirements, always consider adding […]