Can Bundling Auto And Motorcycle Insurance Help You Save?
You’ve heard the promotion. Bundle your car insurance, save money. Many people can save on their premiums by bundling different insurance policies through one carrier.
Some people bundle their auto and home policies. Others bundle their renters insurance with their boat insurance.
But what if you want to bundle two types of vehicle insurance, such as motorcycle and auto insurance. Will this save money? While the answer is usually yes, that answer can be tricky to understand.
Auto insurance is quite different than motorcycle insurance. While many people think that they can simply add a motorcycle to an existing auto insurance plan to create a multi-vehicle policy, this is rarely the case.
Why? Well, the coverage and liabilities related to a motorcycle are different than those of a car. Motorcyclists different injury, damage and maintenance risks than drivers do; additionally, the vehicles are exposed to different types of danger on the road.
Your state may also require different levels of insurance for motorcycle insurance. Your required limits may be different from the limits required for your car.
Therefore, simply adding your motorcycle to a standard auto policy may not be the best idea.
Still, you will likely be able to bundle a motorcycle policy with a regular auto insurance policy. In fact, many insurance companies can provide major discounts when you use the same carrier to cover your car and motorcycle. These are often called multi-policy discounts.
Motorcycle and auto insurance come with similar parameters, such as bodily injury, comprehensive and property damage coverage. By bundling with a trusted insurance carrier, you can likely save money.
Would you like to bundle your auto insurance and your motorcycle insurance? We are here to help. Call Miller Insurance Agency at (409) 899-9531 or contact us online to get started.