Kelli and I met Progressive President and CEO Tricia Griffith
In August Kelli and I enjoyed a trip to Cleveland for a function with Progressive Insurance Company. We were happy to meet with new President and CEO, Tricia Griffith. Tricia has been with Progressive for many years, coming up through the claims side of the company. She told us that claims customer service is the “product” that we agents are selling. So Progressive is focusing on making the claims experience as easy as possible for our customers.
I was able to share with her how hard the Progressive catastrophe adjusters worked last year after Harvey flooded so many vehicles here in East Texas. We provided office space for 6 cat adjusters to work from, so that they could get checks into peoples hands as quickly as possible. Those young adjusters were at my office issuing claim checks from 7 AM to 7 PM, seven days a week for two months. Very hard working folks. They were very helpful to customers, and they understood that people here were under a lot of stress from the storm. These adjusters were here staying in hotels for weeks at a time with no days off. Dealing with many of the same issues we locals were facing. ( No running water!)
When I told her about these CAT adjusters, I could tell she was proud of them. She said that they volunteer for the job, and that right after they left Beaumont, those same adjusters went to Florida to help with the hurricane claims there.
As an independent agent, I can choose which insurance companies I sell. Progressive gives me very good rates, great 24/7 customer service, and most importantly, I know that Progressive will do its best to take care of my customers when they have a claim. That is why it’s an easy decision for my agency. We sell Progressive because it is best for our customers! Oh, and the President/CEO is a very nice lady, too! Call us today and let us quote you some prices! Willie Miller