Are Motorcycles Seen By Insurers As High-Risk?
Sometimes what starts as a misconception or a mere assumption makes its way into the public consciousness as fact simply because it makes sense on the surface. There are no statistics to back up the myth that suicides spike around the holidays, but the myth persists. However, this is not the case with motorcycles. They are more dangerous than cars, and we have the numbers to prove it:
- Per miles traveled, motorcycle related deaths were almost 28 times higher than car related deaths in 2016.
- 2013 saw 4,381 motorcycle fatalities total.
- 2017 saw 5,172 motorcyclist fatalities.
- Only nineteen states, and D.C., enforce helmet laws.
- Motorcycles are an anomaly in insurance statistics in that motorcyclists over 50 now make up the bulk of fatal accidents, at nearly 40 percent. This is in stark contrast to car accidents, where younger drivers are seen as the most high-risk drivers.
- New safety features aren’t a major priority for motorcycle companies or their customers, given the inherent dangers of driving without a protective metal cage around you.
In short, yes, your motorcycle insurance provider does see motorcycles as high-risk — and with good cause.
Of course, you’re going to be graded on a scale, just as in any other area of insurance. If you have a clean record, if you have very few accidents, or if you don’t have any run-ins with the law, then you’re likely going to be given a better deal than the next rider. But your insurer is going to give you a rate that reflects the inherent dangers of riding a motorcycle.
Comprehensive and collision coverage may be a little cheaper than car insurance given that motorcycles cost less than four-wheeled autos. However, liability is the big concern when it comes to insurance. So, you should expect your motorcycle insurance rates to be determined in light of the higher liability associated with riding on highways and city streets on two wheels.