Watch for Icy Weather This Weekend!
Local weatherman Greg Bostwick is giving us fair warning. COLD weather is coming this weekend! If you are like me, you will have to spend the next few afternoons getting your home ready for the 25 degree temps and 20 MPH North wind. My house sets up off of the ground, so I will need to make sure that the pipes are covered properly.
I have to turn off the water to my outdoor kitchen so that the pipes won’t freeze. And then there is Kellis big Queen Palm. The thing is 40 feet tall now, and subject to freezing. Last year I built a big teepee around the base and put a space heater under it for the week long deep freeze we had. It made it without freezing, but I probably spent way too much money and work to save the darn thing! But I guess I will do the same this year. I know, the things we do….
Anyways, yall take care with this weather coming. If the roads ice up, it will happen fast. Make sure you have plenty of food, etc so that you won’t have to be on the road any more than you need to. If you do have a misshap in your car, or frozen pipes, give us a call as soon as possible. And remember, Spring is just a short time away!
By: Willie Miller