June 16, 2016
Top 10 Recreational Boating Safety Tips
Do you think you are all set for your boat ride? Think again. Check out the top 10 safety tips for recreational boating:
- Always wear a life jacket and insist that your crew and guests do the same. Approximately 70 percent of all fatal boating accident victims drowned in 2005. Ninety percent of those who drowned were not wearing their personal flotation device (PFD) or life jacket. Always have an adequate supply of PFDs aboard. Make sure that children are wearing life jackets that fit correctly. Drowning was the reported cause of death for approximately 60 percent of the children who perished in 2005. Overall, fatal accident data indicate approximately 491 lives could have been saved if boaters had worn their lifejackets.
- Never drink alcohol while boating. In 2005, alcohol was either a direct or indirect contributing factor in 25 percent of all boating fatalities. Stay sharp on the water by leaving the alcohol on dry land.
- Take a boating safety course. More than 70 percent of all reported boating fatalities in 2005 occurred on boats where the operator had not completed a boating safety course. You may even qualify for a reduced insurance rate if you complete a safety course. Contact your Coast Guard Auxiliary or visit www.boater101.com for information on courses in your area.
- Stay in control by taking charge of your safety and that of your passengers. Adults between the ages of 40 and 49 accounted for the highest rate of the total boating fatalities in 2005. Don’t forget that safety begins with you.
- Understand and obey boating safety recommendations and navigational rules. Imagine the mayhem that would result if car drivers disregarded highway traffic laws. Know and understand boating safety procedures and rules of navigation before taking to the water and practice them without fail.
- Operate at a safe speed and always maintain a careful lookout. Overall, operator inattention, carelessness/reckless operation, operator inexperience and excess speed are leading contributing factors of all reported accidents. Know your boat’s limitations. Take note of visibility, traffic density and the proximity of navigation hazards like shoals, rocks or floating objects. Don’t invite a collision by going faster than is prudent.
- Check the weather forecast. A calm day can quickly turn ugly on the water. Stay on top of the forecast while boating and heed all weather and storm advisories. Check the condition of your life raft annually and before long distance off-shore cruising. Carry flares at all times.
- Have your vessel checked for safety. The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary offers Vessel Safety Checks at no cost. Coast Guard staffers will check your boat’s equipment and provide information about its use, safety procedures and applicable regulations. Unsafe boats are a threat to all recreational boaters. Make sure your vessel is as safe as possible. Visit the U.S. Coast Guard web site at www.uscg.mil for further information.
- Use a carbon monoxide detector. All internal combustion engines emit carbon monoxide, an odorless, colorless, poisonous gas that can kill in minutes. Carbon monoxide poisoning caused six boating deaths in 2005.
- File a float plan. The U.S. Coast Guard recommends that you always tell a friend or family member where you plan to go and when you’ll be back. Make it a habit before leaving on any boat trip. The proper officials can be notified promptly if you don’t return when expected.
It’s also important to make sure you have a boat insurance policy to protect your vessel and your passengers. We can help! Call Miller Insurance Agency at (409) 899-9531 to learn more about the Beaumont TX boat insurance policies we offer.
(Article Courtesy: Occupational Health & Safety)