Winterizing Your Home
As winter approaches, it is necessary to properly prepare your house. Since some pre-winter tasks include scheduling expert maintenance, it is best to do these items well in advance of the temperature dropping. If an issue is identified, you will want to have enough time to have it fixed.
Check Your Heating Method
If you will be relying on a furnace, it should be checked long before the first cold evening. Turn your furnace on to make sure it is working. If not, have it fixed or replaced. Consider having a working furnace cleaned. Change the furnace filter before the start of winter and periodically throughout the season.
If a wood stove or fireplace will be used, have the chimney or flue inspected every year. In addition, make sure a working smoke detector and carbon monoxide detector are located nearby. The carbon monoxide detector should be battery operated, as it is likely you will use the fireplace or wood stove for heat when the power is out.
Reverse Ceiling Fans
This is a simple tip. Reverse the direction of the ceiling fan so it will push the warm air downward. When looking up at the fan, the blades should be turning clockwise in the winter.
Lowering the risk of burst pipes in the winter should be a priority. The damage caused by burst pipes can be significant. Shut off the water to outside hoses and drain the lines. Go through the house looking for pipes that are not insulated or pass through a space that is unheated, such as the basement or garage. Wrap these pipes with insulation. In addition, when temperatures are unusually low, consider setting faucets to a drip because flowing water won’t freeze as easily.
Ice dams are created when gutters become clogged in the winter. The result is water seeping into the house and causing damage. To prevent this, clean the gutters after the leaves have fallen and then rinse with a hose.
People often associate spring with spring cleaning. Fall should be associated with fall winterizing. If you follow the above tips, you will be less likely to have an issue with your home this winter.
Protect your property during winter’s harsh weather.